For Your Comfort: Comprehensive Choices in Sedation Dentistry
Does the thought of a dental procedure make you feel anxious? It does for many people, but that shouldn’t be the reason why you don’t get the treatment you need, especially if you have signs of gum disease. Columbia Periodontics wants you to feel comfortable in our care, which is why we offer patients a choice of sedation options to minimize discomfort.
Periodontist Dr. James Dickson is licensed to provide conscious sedation in Tennessee. With sedation, he can accomplish a great deal of work during your appointment while you are in a state of deep relaxation. We monitor your blood pressure and oximetry throughout the procedure, no matter which form of sedation you choose.
Sedation dentistry options:
Oral conscious sedation. Anti-anxiety medications are given orally. This method of sedation is very good for anxious patients.
IV sedation. This method helps you experience “twilight sleep” so that your body deeply relaxes while Dr. Dickson provides treatment. Most patients wake from IV sedation with no memory of their appointment.
Nitrous oxide. Nitrous oxide has a mild calming effect and is good at helping anxious patients to relax.
IV Sedation Dentist in Columbia, TN
With sedation dentistry, there’s no reason to postpone any periodontal procedure or surgery you need. We will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have, so please do not hesitate to contact Columbia Periodontics today.